+372 5430 1080
10:00 - 18:00


Avaleht » Contacts

Contact us

We answer calls and emails during business hours. Emails sent outside business hours will be answered the next business day in the morning.

Private customer


Sõpruse pst 211a, Tallinn



Business customer


Sõpruse pst 211a, Tallinn



Government procurement and tender


Sõpruse pst 211a, Tallinn



Service Center


Sõpruse pst 209, Tallinn



Where can I find and download my purchase invoice?
You can find and download an invoice for the purchase in your "My Account" in the "Purchases" section.
How can I return an item?
You can return the goods within 14 days from the date of receipt both in our representative office and using postal machines. Please note that if you are returning a defective product or a warranty repair, the shipping costs will be borne by our store. If you decide to return the goods for any other reason, then you are responsible for the transportation costs.
What does the status of the product "Pre-order" mean?
The "Pre-order" status means that it is not available in our store and in our warehouse, but it is possible to order it from the factory. We order goods with the "Pre-order" status especially for our client.
Can I cancel an order for a product with the "Preorder" status?
You can cancel an order until it goes into production. If we have already ordered a product and paid for it, then it is no longer possible to cancel this order. Since this is a special order for the client.
How long can I wait for a product with the "Pre-order" status?
The delivery time of each item is different and we cannot give a standard delivery time for each item. On average, the waiting time varies from 5 business days to 20 business days, but may vary. For example, if the product is out of stock in factory, then waiting time can reach several months.
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